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Send The Boston Globe a confidential news tip

We want to hear from you. You don’t have to identify yourself, but it helps if you leave some contact information so we can reach you with additional questions.

Do you have a tip about something that needs to be investigated? Do you have documents or data we should dig into? Below are the ways to reach us.

Email and Phone

Spotlight tip line: 617-929-7483

Spotlight email: [email protected]

We check this tip line regularly. Those callers with a promising tip will receive a call back from a Spotlight reporter. You can also contact the editor of the Spotlight team, Brendan McCarthy, at [email protected].


Spotlight Team
The Boston Globe
1 Exchange Place, Suite 201
Boston, MA 02109-2132

Other Options


You can also reach us via encrypted email at [email protected].

Reaching other reporters

If you want to direct a tip to a specific reporter outside the Globe’s Spotlight team, please go to our staff page.