The Case for Biden
The Immigration Voter
Biden would reopen America’s doors to those in need and offer more of the country’s residents citizenship.

Illustration by Peter and Maria Hoey for The Boston Globe
Stopping the madness. A second term for Trump would only give him and his senior adviser Stephen Miller — long identified as the architect of the administration’s Draconian immigration policies — a chance to fully erase America’s status in the world as a beacon for those seeking refuge, humanitarian protection, or a chance at the American dream.
Biden vows to cure the ills of current immigration policy. In the first 100 days of his presidency, Biden has promised to cancel Trump’s executive orders on immigration, a list that totals more than 400, according to the Migration Policy Institute. In that same time-frame, Biden has pledged to: end Trump’s asylum policies, which have virtually prevented foreigners who are seeking asylum from applying at the border and from entering the country; reverse Trump’s damaging public charge rule, which imposed a wealth test on immigrants who seek US visas; and make sure that the federal agencies charged with enforcing immigration laws and keeping the border secure are held accountable by demanding stronger oversight. Biden would increase Trump’s historically low refugee admissions cap from 15,000 to 125,000, which goes beyond the Obama-era limits.
A smart border, not a closed border. Biden wants to stop the nonsensical construction of the border wall, Trump’s signature campaign issue in 2016. “There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration, No. 1,” Biden has said. Instead, he has promised to invest in smarter border technology to improve cargo screening at the border. Whereas Trump slashed aid to Central America to punish countries whose nationals arrive at the southern border, Biden’s approach would be more productive; he worked in the Northern Triangle region as vice president in the Obama administration. Biden is promising a comprehensive $4 billion four-year regional plan to target the root causes of migration.
A path to citizenship. Biden says he would work with Congress to make the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program permanent, which Trump has tried to end. And he says he’d work on a bill that will give the country’s 11 million undocumented immigrants a roadmap to citizenship.
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