The Case for Biden
The Disenchanted Voter
All is not lost. It’s worth casting a ballot for Biden.

Illustration by Peter and Maria Hoey for The Boston Globe
There’s a real choice on the ballot. 2020 is not an election where voters are left with two terrible choices and have to choose the “lesser of two evils.” To the contrary, there is one clear and uniquely dangerous outcome: a second Trump term. Donald Trump has shown utter disregard for American democracy, and if he wins a second term, he’ll be even more emboldened to satisfy his autocratic appetite. Corruption is not unique to any one party, but Donald Trump has proved to be the most corrupt president in American history. In his first year as president, he paid the same amount in taxes as someone making $20,000. He has more conflicts of interest than any of his predecessors, and those conflicts are only growing more severe. Joe Biden, on the other hand, wants to restore American democracy by expanding voting rights and making sure each vote matters more.
Not voting means they can keep ignoring you. Abstaining from voting means those who get elected only feel beholden to the part of the electorate that turns out, because that’s how they stay in power. Voting is the way to have influence and send a message; not voting as a statement is like screaming into the wind. To disenfranchise yourself plays into Trump’s hands, since he’s actively trying to discourage people from voting.
Are you really neutral on Trump? If you disapprove of Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic that has now killed more than 210,000 Americans and ushered in an economic catastrophe; see that he poses a threat to democracy itself; or don’t like the way he talks about people with disabilities, women, people of color, or immigrants, the only way to signal that this is intolerable leadership and that the system must change is if voters send a resounding message. While there are no guarantees, the bigger a Biden win, the more likely it is that people will see the change.
A historic election. It is often the case in American democracy that voters are given little choice at the polls. Over the years, leaders from both major political parties have left the most marginalized behind and have mostly served moneyed interests instead. But the next four years will be some of the most consequential in American history, and whoever wins in November could fundamentally change politics — and democracy — for generations to come. What would you be proud for your grandchildren to know you did in 2020 when faced with the choice of getting rid of this president at the voting booth?
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