Here’s a look at snowfall totals across New England

See town-by-town snow totals reported by the National Weather Service over the last 48 hours

Below is a map and list of locations across New England where snowfall totals have been reported over the last 48 hours. Snowfall accumulation from specific locations is reported to the National Weather Service by various sources, including airports, trained spotters, the general public, and cooperative weather observers. In some instances, totals are reported for individual neighborhoods or airports rather than towns. Snow total contours are provided by Baron Weather.

Snow total observations were last gathered from the National Weather Service at . Snow total contours were updated at .

Interested in a specific location?

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There have been no reports of snow accumulation in Massachusetts in the last 48 hours. Note, this doesn’t necessarily mean there hasn’t been snow in Massachusetts, just that the National Weather Service has not published a report of snow in Massachusetts.


Where do these reports come from?

The snow totals listed above come from a network of sources that report to the National Weather Service, including NWS employees, observation stations, trained spotters, emergency managers, law enforcement, amateur spotters, and radio operators. Additionally, reports are provided by the community collaborative rain, hail, and snow network.

The contours of snow totals are provided by Baron Weather and represent a 48-hour analysis of data gathered from ground-based sensors and observers, quantitative precipitation estimates, and high-resolution model data for data-sparse regions. This data is updated at least twice a day.

Why isn’t my town listed?

Snow totals are added to the above report as they are provided by the NWS. New totals are checked for at regular intervals, usually every hour during snow storms. If a specific location is not listed above, it’s likely that the NWS hasn’t received a total for that location from their network of spotters, or that the total has yet to be published. Check back regularly for continuous updates.

Why is the total listed for my town less than the snow I see outside?

Check the time of the last report for your area listed above. Often times, reports are made throughout a snow event. If the snow total listed for your area is less than what you observe, it’s possible the report was made while snow was still falling. It may or may not be updated in the future, depending on any new reports the NWS receives for that area.

John Hancock can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @Hancock_JohnD.


  • Reporter, design, and development: John Hancock
  • Editor: Jason Tuohey
  • SEO: Cameron Muir
  • Quality assurance: Meredith Stern, Nalini Dokula