Snitch City
Snitch City

Snitch City

In a nation addicted to drugs, local police are addicted to informants. This new Spotlight series begins in an American city that, like so many others, is enmeshed in the war on drugs. Here, police have been empowered to use confidential informants to take down dealers by almost any means necessary. They have invented CIs, had sex with informants, and used them to settle scores, protect drug dealers, and break the law.

  • Reporters: Dugan Arnett, Andrew Ryan
  • Editors: Brendan McCarthy, Gordon Russell, Mark Morrow, Kristin Nelson
  • Design: Ryan Huddle
  • Development: Kirkland An
  • Illustrations: J.D. Paulsen for the Boston Globe
  • Photographer: Lane Turner
  • Digital editor: Christina Prignano
  • Visuals editor: Tim Rasmussen
  • Director of photography: Bill Greene
  • Photo editor: Leanne Burden Seidel
  • Audience: Cecilia Mazanec, Ronke Idowu Reeves, Adria Watson, Diamond Naga Siu, Amanda Kaufman
  • Audience editor: Heather Ciras
  • Copy editor: Michael J. Bailey
  • Legal review: Jon Albano
  • Quality assurance: Nalini Dokula