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The Boston Globe

Business, Technology, and Consumers


Andrew Caffrey

[email protected]

Cynthia Needham

[email protected]

Dan Adams

“I'm reporting on the alcohol industry, the advent of legal cannabis in Massachusetts, and other assorted business topics.”

Hiawatha Bray

“I'm the digital technology reporter, covering the myriad economic, political, and social effects of computers, telecom systems, and the Internet.”

Jon Chesto

“I cover the leaders who shape Boston’s business community.”

Beth Healy

“I'm an investigative reporter with an emphasis on financial conflicts and money.”

Shirley Leung

“I write a column on the intersection of business and politics, as well as gender and diversity issues.”

Janelle Nanos

“I cover retail, restaurants, and our consumer culture.”

Andy Rosen

“I'm reporting on venture capital and startups, with a particular emphasis on how money and ideas combine to make Boston one of the world's most interesting economies.”

Megan Woolhouse

“I'm reporting on nonprofits and philanthropy, who is giving and why, as well as how those donations shape the face of the city, from the waterfront to cultural institutions.”

Crime, Criminal Justice, and Legal Affairs


Mike Bello

[email protected]

Peter Schworm

[email protected]

Evan Allen

“I write deeply reported narrative stories with a focus on crime.”

Travis Andersen

“I cover all manner of breaking news — from police and fire to politics to education to court rulings at the state and federal level.”

Maria Cramer

“I'm a legal affairs reporter covering the criminal justice system, including federal courts.”

John Ellement

“I cover breaking news, law enforcement, and criminal justice issues.”

Jan Ransom

“I cover police and law enforcement.”



Felice Belman

[email protected]

Deirdre Fernandes

“I’m covering the business of higher education and the scourge of student debt.”

Laura Krantz

“I'm reporting on higher education trends.”

James Vaznis

“I'm reporting on K-12 education, from Boston to the suburbs and across the state.”

Food and Travel


Chris Morris

[email protected]

Devra First

“I report and reflect on food, restaurants, and their cultural and societal roles.”

Christopher Muther

“I write about travel, trends in the travel industry, and explore fascinating destinations.”

Healthcare, Science, and Public Health


Roy Greene

[email protected]

David Abel

“I'm reporting on environmental issues in New England and beyond.”

Priyanka Dayal McCluskey

“I report on health care, with a focus on business and policy.”

Liz Kowalczyk

“I write about the practice and culture of medicine, focusing on hospitals, doctors, and the patient perspective.”

Living and Working in Greater Boston


Anica Butler

[email protected]

Hayley Kaufman

[email protected]

Steve Wilmsen

[email protected]

Leslie Anderson

“I oversee the Globe's weekly regional sections, editing Globe West, which covers news and people in the cities and towns west of Boston.”

Steve Annear

“I'm chasing after the types of stories that you'd talk about in a group text or e-mail.”

Dugan Arnett

“I chase the kinds of stories that typically fall through the cracks.”

Billy Baker

“Reporting on the unexpected.”

Marcia Dick

“I assign, edit, and produce Globe North.”

Thomas Farragher

“I write a column of interest and importance to Boston, Massachusetts and New England.”

Meredith Goldstein

“I am the Love Letters advice columnist, and also write features and entertainment stories.”

Evan Horowitz

“I dig through data to find information that illuminates the policy issues facing Massachusetts and the United States.”

Katie Johnston

“I'm reporting on the American worker under siege.”

Michael Levenson

“I'm a general assignment reporter covering news throughout New England and the nation.”

Brian MacQuarrie

“I write news features with an emphasis on the often-forgotten stories and mysteries that connect Boston's past with its present and help make the city such a fascinating place.”

Bryan Marquard

“I write and edit news obituaries.”

Eric Moskowitz

“I'm always looking out for compelling or poignant stories — mostly drawn from everyday life, mostly about non-famous people, and mostly set in this great city, often with a dash of history, too.”

Nestor Ramos

“I write about issues of import and interest in and around Boston.”

Jacyln Reiss

“I cover breaking news, politics, and stories that inflame the social world.”

Matt Rocheleau

“I'm reporting on things that work, stories about efforts locally and beyond that have succeeded, or hold great promise, in improving government, business, policy, and other aspects of life.”

Jenna Russell

“I'm reporting on a range of subjects with an emphasis on narrative storytelling.”

Emily Sweeney

“I cover local news and write the “Blotter Tales” column. I’m also a regular contributor to the Names page.”

Neil Swidey

“As a staff writer for the Globe Magazine, I focus on in-depth narrative stories, on a wide variety of subjects.”

L. Kim Tan

“I edit Globe South, a regional section covering 48 cities and towns south of Boston.”

Beth Teitell

“I report on the zeitgeist of modern-day life and work-life balance, with a particular interest in stories that examine how we live now.”

Adam Vaccaro

“I cover transportation and commuter issues in and around Boston.”

Adrian Walker

“I am a Metro columnist.”

Arts and Books


Rebecca Ostriker

[email protected]

Hans Schulz

[email protected]

Paul Makishima

[email protected]

Don Aucoin

“I review and report on theater in the Boston area.”

Ty Burr

“I write reviews of new-release movies as well as a Sunday column that covers all aspects of media and popular culture.”

Mark Feeney

“I write about photography and film and edit stories about visual arts.”

Malcolm Gay

“I write about visual and performing arts in Boston and beyond.”

Matthew Gilbert

“I write about TV, finding the good shows for readers, weeding out the bad ones, and putting them all in cultural perspective.”

Zoë Madonna

“I'm reporting on Boston's classical music scene, from Symphony Hall to the tiniest back room concerts.”

Paul Makishima

“I select books for review and assign feature stories on a range of topics.”

Mark Shanahan

“I'm an entertainment and pop culture reporter.”

Opinion and Ideas


Marjorie Pritchard

[email protected]

Dante Ramos

[email protected]

Alex Kingsbury

[email protected]

Matthew Bernstein

“I field, select, and edit letters to the editor and ensure that readers' concerns are heard and that a wide range of viewpoints is reflected in our section.”

Marcela Garcia

“I review and report on theater in the Boston area.”

Renee Graham

“I’m an opinion columnist with a focus on race, politics, domestic violence, police accountability.”

Jeff Jacoby

“I write commentary on anything and everything — politics, culture, foreign policy, religion, economics, and society.”

David Scharfenberg

“I write stories on politics, culture, science and more for the Globe's Ideas section and editorials.”

Joan Vennochi

“I cover politics from Boston to Washington, with a focus on power, culture and change.”

Alan Wirzbicki

“I write Globe editorials, participate in editorial board meetings and discussions, and edit articles for the editorial page.”

Politics, Government, and Accountability


Shira Toeplitz Center, Politics

[email protected]

Chris Rowland, DC Bureau Chief

[email protected]

Scott Allen, Projects and Investigations

[email protected]

Stephen Smith, Projects and Investigations

[email protected]

Patricia Wen, Spotlight

[email protected]

Yvonne Abraham

“I write a column on politics, crime, personalities, women, and the way big, abstract decisions affect real people's lives.”

Nicole Dungca

“I'm a reporter on the Globe's projects and investigations team.”

Stephanie Ebbert

“I'm reporting on gender issues and political engagement in the age of Trump.”

Andrea Estes

“I am an investigative reporter focusing on politics and public corruption.”

Akilah Johnson

“I cover immigrant communities and immigration policy in Boston.”

Meghan E. Irons

“I'm covering the 2017 mayor's race and exploring social justice issues in the age of President Trump.”

Kay Lazar

“I focus on shorter term accountability stories.”

Victoria McGrane

“I'm covering Congress, national politics, and the Massachusetts delegation in Washington.”

Joshua Miller

“I cover politics, policy, campaigns, and elections out of the Massachusetts State House.”

Shelley Murphy

“I'm an investigative reporter, focusing on stories that expose wrongdoing.”

Jim O’Sullivan

“I cover politics at the federal, state, and city level.”

Sacha Pfeiffer

“I'm a reporter on the Boston Globe's Spotlight investigative team.”

Frank Phillips

“I report on Massachusetts politics and state government.”

Michael Rezendes

“I'm an investigative reporter and political writer.”

Walter V. Robinson

“I'm pursuing stories that hold the powerful accountable.”

Andrew Ryan

“I'm an investigative reporter with a focus on watchdog journalism.”

Milton J. Valencia

“I cover the policy and politics of Boston city government.”

Matt Viser

“I cover national politics and the White House.”

Todd Wallack

“I'm an investigative reporter and data journalist.”

Real Estate, Urban Development, and Housing


Mark Pothier

[email protected]

Eileen McEleney Woods

[email protected]

Katheleen Conti

“I am a general assignment business reporter with a focus on real estate.”

Tim Logan

“I cover real estate, urban development and housing in Greater Boston.”

Megan Turchi

“I'm reporting on the Boston-area real estate market, ranging from massive home sales to architectural gems to where to rent your next apartment.”

Eileen McEleney Woods

“I edit the Globe’s weekly Address section and, Boston’s go-to resource on buying, selling, and renting real estate as well as home design, DIY, and gardening.”



Joseph Sullivan

[email protected]

Peter Abraham

“The Red Sox are a New England institution, and I cover them 12 months a year.”

Julian Benbow

“I cover the Red Sox and Boston College sports.”

Nick Cafardo

“I am the Globe’s national baseball writer.”

Kevin Paul Dupont

“I report on all manner of sports topics, with an emphasis on hockey.”

Chad Finn

“On I ask the sports question of the day; on I cover sports media.”

Christopher L. Gasper

“I provide perspective, opinion, and commentary for the most passionate, devoted, and knowledgeable sports fans in the country in the best sports town in America.”

Stan Grossfeld

“I report and photograph the unusual and unexpected.”

Adam Himmelsbach

“I cover the Boston Celtics.”

Bob Hohler

“I write sports investigative and enterprise stories.”

Jim McBride

“I cover all things New England Patriots.”

Dan Shaughnessy

“I write columns about sports.”

Fluto Shinzawa

“I cover the Boston Bruins and the NHL.”

Alex Speier

“I report on and analyze sports, particularly the Red Sox.”

Ben Volin

“I am the Globe's lead NFL writer, focusing on the Patriots and big-picture league issues.”

Gary Washburn

“I am the Globe’s national NBA writer.”