State-by-state responses to the Globe survey

The Globe asked motor vehicle agencies in all 50 states and the District of Columbia to share records and answer key questions about what they are doing to hold dangerous drivers accountable. The results uncovered how, even in this era of instant communication, agencies nationwide still rely on mailing paper documents to directly notify each other about infractions by out-of-state passenger drivers — and seven states have for years sent no direct notices at all. Thirteen states also admitted in the survey they had accumulated backlogs and delays in processing such records in recent years. Few states said they keep track of out-of-state crashes involving drivers they license. All of this despite the fact that the federal government issues more than $3 billion a year to states to improve traffic safety.
How violation notices are issued to other states PDPS only until recently; now mail
Backlogs/delays with out-of-state violation notices within the past five years? For years, state did not routinely process incoming conviction notices or send such notices to other states
Keep track of drivers' out-of-state crashes Yes, for fatal cases, if reported
Federal funding received in FY2019 to improve traffic safety $51,726,220.65